Tuesday, April 14, 2009

iPhone - Star Trek Countdown

As most of you probably already know there is a new Star Trek movie coming out this summer. It takes place before the original Star Trek series and we get to see how all of the main characters became who they are. From what I have seen so far it does look like it may be good.

So I was looking through the app store on my iPhone and came across a Star Trek Countdown application. At first I thought it was just going to be some dumb counter telling me how many days I have to wait to see the movie. To my surprise it was actually a comic book series that is a prequel to the new movie! For .99 cents I thought it would be worth it to check out.

The comic book has 91 pages so there is a good deal to read here. The illustrations are great and I am really enjoying the story. I think only fans of the Star Trek universe will be interested in the story so if Star Trek is not your thing then there is nothing really to see here. You have three options as to how you move through the "pages". You can set them to slide, fade or flip. I personally find the fade effect the most pleasing. There are 4 episodes so far and each costs a buck so if you get hooked you will need to spend several dollars to read everything. I have only checked out the first one but I will be downloading the rest as I think it is worth it.

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