Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dell Mini 10 Review

Laptopmag.com has reviewd Dell's new mini 10. Overall they seem to like it quite a bit. I have been using the Dell Mini 9 since it was released last year so I am glad to see some of the shortcommings on the 9 fixed on the 10. The biggest change, besides screen size, is the keyboard is now very close to a full size keyboard and appears to be a lot easier to type on.

The configurations are limited at this time but Dell has stated that in the near future customers will have more options.

Anyone want to buy my Mini 9? Send me an email is you are interested. I certainly am not getting rich from the ads on my site and I really want to get a Mini 10 so I can give a more personal review

Check out laptopmag.com's review here!.

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