Sunday, March 15, 2009

iPhone - Zombieville USA

Wow! Now this game is a perfect example of just how fun games can be on the iPhone. With its simple controls, solid side scrolling graphics and exceptional sound track this is most definitely my favorite iPhone game to date.

The zombie apocalypse, that we all know will eventually come, has struck your home town and you are the only one left. What do you do? Gun up and kill the bastards of course! That is all you do in this game and that is exactly what makes it such a perfect game for the iPhone.

The controls are very simple. There is an arrow on the bottom of each side of the screen which you press to move in that direction. To shoot you just tap your finger anywhere between those two arrows. To enter a safe house, where you collect money and ammo, you just tap your finger on the door.

The graphics are real nice. They have a great cartoon look to them and are very well drawn. The zombies heads explode into great gobs red goo and brain matter when you shoot them. The sound effects for the 15 weapons are great and they all feel very satisfying when used against the zombies.

I highly recommend that you go get this game right now. For a $1.99 it is a complete steal! If you do not want to take my word for how great this game is the developers have been kind enough to include a free demo on the app store as well. Check this game as out soon as you can! 5 out 5 stars!

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