Friday, March 27, 2009

Microsoft's new anti-apple commercial

Check out the video below. Microsoft has a new commercial that is actually really GOOD. Their past efforts have left much to be desired but I think this one is a winner. The star of the commercial seems very genuine which really makes this commercial work.

Check it out here!


  1. I don't trust Microsoft to market any product fairly. I feel more people are more inclinded to stay anti-microsoft than they are to become anti-apple

  2. I completely agree with the poster. The actress in the commercial is awesome. Look at her expressions when she says, "but the look of that one is drawing me" - it's really great, you too may get drawn, lol. Thanks for sharing such a fantastic stuff.

  3. The ad is a bit dull, but they do highlight the price differences well with it.

  4. I'm just happy they didn't spend the entire time trashing Apple.

  5. Looks like a move up from their previous ads.

  6. Very Good Ad for Microsoft. Well Done, Microsoft deserves a Thank You!

  7. Too bad the poor girl got an HP. Not that I'm a Mac Supporter, but you get what you pay for. Dell offers much better quality for a good price.

  8. Interesting and genuine commercial from Windows. I like the, "I guess I'm not cool enough to be a Mac person" line. They picked a good actress to get their message across.

  9. I saw that commercial - I think it was a really bold move on Microsoft's part to be so 'in your face' about their competition.
