Tuesday, March 24, 2009

iPhone - Undead Live

The folks that brought us Mafia Live have just released Undead Live! It is free until 3-29-09 and then it will go up to $4.99 so get to the app store and download it today! The game plays just like Mafia Live but this time you can choose between being a werewolf, vampire or overlord. The names of all the different sections are all different of course. You have Land Conquests, Underworld Market, Dark Lord and My Bloodline just to name a few. You will also participate in quests and rampages which is the Undead equivalent of missions and fights.

If you loved Mafia Live and have an interest in the underworld then this game is perfect for you. I cant recommend it enough. This is great stuff and just what I expected from a great developer like this.

Remeber to post what species you are when leaving people your family code as vampires can only add vampires, werewolfs can only add werewolfs and overlords can only add overlords.

I am a Vampire!! Add me to your bloodline: 305 664 314

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