Saturday, March 14, 2009

Palm Pre Browser

Cruising the internet on the iPhone is a very pleasurable experience. The Safari browser is by far the best mobile browser I have ever used and I have used them all. Now it looks like Safari and iPhone may have some real competition! The Palm Pre browser looks to be a real winner and is reportedly 4x faster thamn Safari on the iPhone. Check out the link for more details.

Check it out here!.


  1. Good thing is that Palm Pre browser is part of much awaited Palm Pre handsets. These Palm Pre handsets are just programmable in JavaScript + HTML that most web developers know. Mobile applications moving to web side of technology with this new handset when it reaches market. Already books are available to program for this handset. So great advancement in speed for this PalmPre browser from Palm developers. Surely it will beat other browsers in market!!

  2. Haven't checked out this browser as yet, will do it soon though. Thanks for posting.
