Monday, March 30, 2009

Sony says no price cut on the PS3 tomorrow

According to the latest from Sony their big announcement set for tomorrow has nothing to do with a PS3 price drop. What is with these guys? Yeah, the system is selling ok but not as well as it should. They should knock off 50 or 100 bucks from the price. A price drop now could really spur some great sales. I may even buy one if they dropped the price by a hundred bucks!


  1. why wouldnt sony drop the price. wii must be dominating the market place. sole reason i chose the wii over ps3. price. if they dropped the price i probably would have went ps3 with the blue ray capabilities

  2. From my research on this issue, the WII is taking over as far as gaming systems go. Although the PS3 had blu-ray player built inside, the WII is the smarter choice to get kids up and moving, and is one the entire family can play together! Parents have found a way to get kids up and off the couch, the WII. Playstation needs to act, and fast. Reducing the price would help greatly!

  3. My husband wants a PS3, but won't buy one until God of War 3 comes out and the PS3 price drops significantly. In the meantime, we're having a blast with our Wii.

  4. Dang... thats really disapointing. I was hoping to buy one soon, but i can't unless theres a price drop.

  5. I really think they should lower the prices. Especially as it's my understanding that they no longer offer the model with backwards compatibility. High prices, can't play games from older systems, what's the point?

  6. I've been thinking about getting a PS3...But it's just too friggin expensive...Oh well, guess I'm gonna have to wait.
