Wednesday, March 4, 2009

iPhone - Amazon Kindle Review

I downloaded Amazon's Kindle software for the iPhone this morning. I do not have an actual kindle so I was excited to now have access to all the great content that Kindle users have. As expected the application is a free download from the app store.

I am a bit disappointed with the software so far. Granted, this is version 1.0 and I am sure this app will be updated often to add additional features but I did expect a little more out of the gate. When you launch the app you are presented with a bare bones main menu with just a couple of available options. The app does not come with any sample books so if you are new to the Kindle experience you must download something to read. A really nice feature called Whispersync gives those who own a Kindle the ability to sync the iPhone Kindle with your already downloaded book collection. The iPhone Kindle software will also sync where you are in a book so regardless of whether you are on the actual Kindle or the iPhone you will not have to go flipping through a book to pick up where you left off. Nice!

Other than Whispersync the iPhone Kindle is a bare bones reader. You can adjust the text size and bookmark pages but you cannot change the font or the color of the "paper". I am sure features like these will be added in future releases, at least I hope.

Now the biggest issue I have with the software is there is no built in ability to search and purchase books from the reader itself. The software recommends that you purchase items using the Amazon store on your PC or MAC. There is a link that takes you to Amazon's website using Safari which I did used to purchase two items but scanning Amazon's large library from Safari is FAR from ideal. Come on Amazon, give us the ability to search and buy directly from the app in the next update.

Overall I would give the IPhone Kindle software a 3 out 5. If you already own a Kindle the Whispersync option is cool but then again, if you are on the road and want to read wouldn't you have your Kindle with you?

Here is cnet's review.

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