Monday, March 2, 2009

iphone - iMafia

The premise behind iMafia is very similar to Mafia Live! which I reveiwed in an earlier post so I wont go through all the basics of these types of games. iMafia does differ in one big way, you can only purchase mafia members from the Godfather as opposed to inviting other human players from across the world to join you. I have heard a lot of complaints on this idea but I really like it. I just do not have the time to hit every forum looking for new members ID#'s and then punching them into the game. Dom't get me wrong, there is definately something cool about having your reall life friends in your mob but I also really like the fact that iMafia makes you actually play the game and spend the money you earn in order to advance and become a more experienced mobster.

If you read the most current reviews it appears that some players are experiencing issue with the latest update. People are stating that they cannot enter certain buildings in the game and that the game crashes a lot. I have the most updated version and have none of these issues. I am not saying that they do not exist I just wanted to let you know that some people are not having any problems.

iMafia is a FREE app for your iphone!!


  1. Thanks for the reviews! Nice blog!

  2. Thanks a lot for letting us know about it, I highly appreciate your concern. Keep up the good work.
