Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Netflix coming to PS3?

Take a look at this screenshot. It appears that Netflix is at least thinking about it. This also could just be a manipulated screenshot. Hard to trust any news around April 1st.

If this is indeed true then Microsoft better rethink their 50 bucks a year for Live because spending $9.99 a year to watch Netflix is a much better deal.


  1. I've tried Netflix on Xbox 360, and I was not impressed. There just aren't enough movies yet. Xbox live has tons of members so there is no chance they would remove the cost of Xbox live. The only way they would remove the cost is if PS3 got much popular, which isn't bound to happen, at least not at it's current price.

  2. $9.99 not bad guy.

  3. wii wont stream em but some dvrs and xbox can its gunna be a race youll see onlive is the next thing

  4. What is the source of this picture? Isn't that a easy way to verify the authenticity?

  5. I think its a step in the right direction as far as home entertainment i concerned but we are still a ways away from it being easy.

  6. The Sony Playstation 3 is a great system made even better by adding Netflix.
