Wednesday, March 11, 2009

iPhone - BlogPress

So I have had a bit of time to play around with BlogPress and for the most part I am pleased. You really can't go wrong for the 99 cent sale price. The app is normally quite a bit pricier. I think the most I would pay for this app is 2.99.

It does what it is intended to do. I did notice some sluggishnes when going from portrait to landscape. On two occasions the app froze and I had to exit and come back in which was very frustrating.

It does seem that the developers care about their product and they do plan on updates. If you are a blogger and are looking for a way to blog on the go using your iPhone then check this app out. At 99 cents you cannot go wrong!

1 comment:

  1. I think your blog here is very informative, however, I think you could go one better, and start out by briefly summarizing the application, what is is for, and who would benefit from it's use. I think you did a good job on providing information on the price, and even the negative aspects of blogging on Iphone, such as the freezing and slowness. That is denfinetely something people would like to be informed about. I found your article personally useful, so thanks!
